We were incredibly excited to work on a rebrand to celebrate 10 years with our clients. Officially our 10th was last November but the somber state of the world led us to delay the launch till now. It was a difficult year for everyone, and we worked with our customers to navigate that and approach our work in new ways. We feel incredibly fortunate to have come through the last year ready to take on 2021 with a new look and new focus. We worked with a talented team of friends to come to a cohesive design for our branding and website content, in a challenging year that brought our new focus home. We want to be your Swag team, let us know what you are working on and let us work on the perfect package to deliver your vision for it. With that focus in mind, we wanted to showcase the projects we’ve worked on with you and focus on the best swag out there with an experience that is easy to navigate.
Our talented team:
A few years ago we partnered with our friends at Knockout Design Group & THUNDERLAB on a creative space we could share and a collaborative space was born. We worked with KO on our logo redesign and went with an updated approach to our original logo.

We loved what KO did to update the look and the lavender watercolor gradient spoke to our love for wellness and wanting to create experiences rather than just products.
We worked with THUNDERLAB to help capture some of our favorite projects and new products we love. From the principal photography featured on the site to the stop motion video we produced featuring our custom-built Lego style MRI Machine set on our What We Do page.

We have worked in swag since 2001, independently as Swagmatic since 2010 and the rest is history. What we have built here with our clients has been nothing short of exhilarating. The relationships that have been developed over the last 10 years mean so much to us. The trust our clients put into us with sometimes off the wall ideas makes us thrive. Old or new clients, we appreciate you. What we hope to accomplish with our site moving forward is just a fun & fresh way to bring you the latest and greatest. We will share case studies, industry news and the best new products we can find. We would love to blow your mind with new innovative print methods. We know visiting a promo site is not exciting, but we are hoping to give you a reason to check back. First thing I always look at on any website is what is new. It will be a focus for us with monthly round ups. We also hope to start shooting videos too to give you a mini tradeshow of our top picks.